Minimum Wage in Poland

Poland is a country in Europe. The population in Poland was 37,972,812 in 2019. The unemployment rate in Poland was 3.2% in 2020. The nominal GDP per capita in Poland was $17,999.83 in 2021. The Gini index in Poland was 28.8 in 2019. The life expectancy in Poland was 75.6 in 2021. The energy consumption per capita in Poland was 2,490.21kg in 2015. The carbon dioxide emission per capita in Poland was 7.37t in 2020.

610.79 EUR per Month (Jun 2020).

The Current minimum wage in Poland is PLN 4,300.00 (1001 EUR) per Month in 2024. It became valid on July 1, 2024. The amount are in Polish Zloty.

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